7 Top Bluetooth Gadgets for Work Purpose

7 Top Bluetooth Gadgets for Work Purpose

Nowadays, every device comes with Bluetooth either inbuilt or on its very own. This device is simply a gadget that allows one to communicate with so

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7 Top Bluetooth Gadgets for Work Purpose 2016

Nowadays, every device comes with Bluetooth either inbuilt or on its very own. This device is simply a gadget that allows one to communicate with someone else on a short-range wireless communication. This gadget was developed in the year 1999 and back then, the gadget was not accepted. This was because of its pricey nature and on top of that, it had very many connectivity problems. However, over the decades, Bluetooth has been developed, and it has widely been accepted and adopted by people from all over.

This device allows you drive safely as you do not have to use your phone each and whenever driving as this could make you lose concentration on the road and as we all know, it only takes a second for things to go south. The device has been made available as nowadays if your laptop has got no Bluetooth, you can still access its services by use of a USB adapter to connect to Bluetooth accessories. The device has really. Changed over the years as now, it has been equipped with long-lasting battery life, good performance and on top of that, it comes in some very amazing designs. Here are 7 Bluetooth gadgets that are effective for your work and you will also find some breaking tech news here as well.

1. Bullet Bluetooth earpiece

While at work, you may tend to be too busy that picking up calls can sometimes feel like a burden. Imagine a day in the office when you are in between different meeting, working some very long hours and trying to meet deadlines, sometimes calls feel like a burden. Occasionally, we do not even bother to see whose calling and just choose to ignore and call back later. This could be an emergency. If you are in this kind of situation, then this gadget is ideal for you. It is super small and very comfortable as it weighs only 3.5 grams. They are very discreet and will allow you pick your calls without having to pick up your phone.

2. Gest

While you are working, sometimes it is very annoying as it takes up a lot of your time having to switch between your keyboard and your mouse. This device will allow you the pleasure of working on your computer using gestures. The device is very fast and allows you 15 sensors into each hand apparatus. Having the device on both your hands is way more useful as every finger twitch will be a command. It goes for about $350 for two devices.

3. Sounder keyboard

Most of the times at your workplace, you find yourself having to tackle more than one project each using different programs. That can be quite a cumbersome of the work as it may take a lot of your time. The sounder keyboard will save you a lot of time and save you from color-coding using an e-ink display for 50 of the keys. This device will go for about $199.

4. iPhone 6 plus Bluetooth keyboard

Sometimes, your job may not be in one exact place, and it may require you to travel almost all the time. This means that you would need a gadget that would allow you the comfortability of working every time. If you happen to have the iPhone 6 Plus, then you can as well turn it into a mini-workstation. The keyboard is very easy to use and is rechargeable. It charges through a micro USB. Goes for around $48

5. Sony active Bluetooth speaker

With so many devices to keep track off, this method will work as your personal speaker as it can do conference calls, take voice commands, can be used as an alarm clock and on top of that, it will vocalize weather forecasts and appointments.

6. Dot Pen

This device can work with almost any device. From an iPhone, iPad, Android and many more, it will allow you write memos and save them for you for safe-keeping. It requires to be charged, and it can last up to 12 hours on a single charge.

7. Neck massager with wireless remote control

After working for long hours, this device is exactly what you need. It uses vibration, infrared heat to relax your muscle and soothe you. It goes for about $159 for various neck sizes.


These Bluetooth devices will blow your mind and even though some of them are a little pricy, they are investments that are worth having as they will make give you good service for a long period and make your work life compelling and even beautiful. These are the latest gadget news.


  • http://www.wearabletechdigest.com/wearable-gadgets
  • http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/gadgets/reviews/g941/10-bluetooth-devices-for-everyday-life/

About Author:

Kathy Mitchell is a technology and gadget geek, writer & blogger by profession. She loves to write articles for many on-line communities, blogs, & websites related to gadgets & new technology. She is an inspirational writer and has written numerous articles on technology. Follow her @ Google + | Facebook